A Fool There Was (1915)

A Fool There Was (1915) - poster

Raiting: 5,6 /10

Genre: Drama

Director: Frank Powell

Stars: Edward José, Theda Bara and Mabel Frenyear

Country: United States

Release date: 12 January 1915

Length: 67 minutes

Top cast - A Fool There Was (1915)

Theda Bara

Theda Bara

The Vampire

Edward José

Edward José

The Husband

Mabel Frenyear

Mabel Frenyear

The Wife

May Allison

May Allison

The Wife's Sister

Runa Hodges

Runa Hodges

The Child

Clifford Bruce

Clifford Bruce

The Friend

Frank Powell

Frank Powell

The Doctor

Minna Gale

Minna Gale

The Doctor's Fiancee

Victor Benoit

Victor Benoit

One of Her Victims

Creighton Hale

Creighton Hale

Minor Role