Behind the Front (1926)

Behind the Front (1926) - poster

Raiting: - /10

Genre: Comedy

Director: A. Edward Sutherland

Stars: Wallace Beery, Raymond Hatton and Mary Brian

Country: United States

Release date: 22 February 1926

Length: 64 minutes

Top cast - Behind the Front (1926)

Wallace Beery

Wallace Beery

Riff Swanson

Raymond Hatton

Raymond Hatton

Shorty McKee

Mary Brian

Mary Brian

Betty Bartlett-Cooper

Richard Arlen

Richard Arlen

Percy Brown

Hayden Stevenson

Hayden Stevenson

Capt. Bartlett-Cooper

Chester Conklin

Chester Conklin


Tom Kennedy

Tom Kennedy


Frances Raymond

Frances Raymond

Mrs. Bartlett-Cooper

Melbourne MacDowell

Melbourne MacDowell

Mr. Bartlett-Cooper

Jerry Mandy

Jerry Mandy

Limburger soldier