The Girl from Montmartre (1926)

The Girl from Montmartre (1926) - poster

Raiting: - /10

Genre: Drama

Director: Alfred E. Green

Stars: Barbara La Marr, Lewis Stone and Robert Ellis

Country: United States

Release date: 31 January 1926

Length: 60 minutes

Top cast - The Girl from Montmartre (1926)

Barbara La Marr

Barbara La Marr

Emilia Faneaux

Lewis Stone

Lewis Stone

Jerome Hautrive

Robert Ellis

Robert Ellis

Jack Ewing

William Eugene

William Eugene

Rodney Brown Faneaux

E.H. Calvert

E.H. Calvert

Lord Robert Hautrive

Mario Carillo

Mario Carillo

Lawrence 'Larry' Faneaux

Mathilde Comont

Mathilde Comont


Edward Peil Sr.

Edward Peil Sr.


Nick De Ruiz

Nick De Ruiz

Don Angel

Bobbie Mack

Bobbie Mack

Cab Driver