The Mysterious Island (1929)

The Mysterious Island (1929) - poster

Raiting: - /10

Genre: Adventure

Director: Lucien Hubbard

Stars: Lionel Barrymore, Jacqueline Gadsden and Lloyd Hughes

Country: United States

Release date: 5 October 1929

Length: 93 minutes

Top cast - The Mysterious Island (1929)

Lionel Barrymore

Lionel Barrymore

Andre Dakkar

Jacqueline Gadsden

Jacqueline Gadsden

Sonia Dakkar

Lloyd Hughes

Lloyd Hughes

Nikolai Roget

Montagu Love

Montagu Love


Karl Dane

Karl Dane


Pauline Starke

Pauline Starke


Carl Roup

Carl Roup

Underwater Creature (uncredited)