The Sky Spider (1931)

The Sky Spider (1931) - poster

Raiting: - /10

Genre: Action

Director: Richard Thorpe

Stars: Glenn Tryon, Beryl Mercer and Blanche Mehaffey

Country: United States

Release date: 1 October 1931

Length: 69 minutes / 60 minutes (Verenigd Koninkrijk)

Top cast - The Sky Spider (1931)

Glenn Tryon

Glenn Tryon

Glenn Morgan

Beryl Mercer

Beryl Mercer

Mother Morgan

Blanche Mehaffey

Blanche Mehaffey

Barbara Hawton

Pat O'Malley

Pat O'Malley

Jim Morgan

John Trent

John Trent

Buddy Morgan

Philo McCullough

Philo McCullough

Sam Jeffries

Jay Hunt

Jay Hunt

The Old Prospector

Joseph W. Girard

Joseph W. Girard

Colonel Hawton