The Vampire Bat (1933)

The Vampire Bat (1933) - poster

Raiting: 5,7 /10

Genre: Horror

Director: Frank R. Strayer

Stars: Lionel Atwill, Fay Wray and Melvyn Douglas

Country: United States

Release date: 21 January 1933

Length: 71 minutes

Top cast - The Vampire Bat (1933)

Lionel Atwill

Lionel Atwill

Dr. Otto von Niemann

Fay Wray

Fay Wray

Ruth Bertin

Melvyn Douglas

Melvyn Douglas

Karl Brettschneider

Maude Eburne

Maude Eburne

Aunt Gussie Schnappmann

George E. Stone

George E. Stone


Dwight Frye

Dwight Frye

Herman Gleib

Rita Carlyle

Rita Carlyle


Lionel Belmore

Lionel Belmore

Bürgermeister Gustave Schoen

Trailer - The Vampire Bat (1933)