Lash of the Penitentes (1936)

The Penitente Murder Case

Lash of the Penitentes (1936) - poster

Raiting: - /10

Genre: Crime

Director: Roland Price, Harry Revier

Stars: Marie DeForrest, William Marcos and Victor Justi

Country: United States

Release date: 12 April 1936

Length: 65 minutes / 35 minutes (video)

Top cast - Lash of the Penitentes (1936)

Victor Justi

Victor Justi


Josef Swickard

Josef Swickard

Dr. Andrew Robert Taylor

José Rubio

José Rubio

George Mack

Billy Bletcher

Billy Bletcher

Narrating Missionary

Zelma Carroll

Zelma Carroll


Trailer - Lash of the Penitentes (1936)