The Night Hawk (1938)

The Night Hawk (1938) - poster

Raiting: - /10

Genre: Crime

Director: Sidney Salkow

Stars: Robert Livingston, June Travis and Robert Armstrong

Country: United States

Release date: 1 October 1938

Length: 63 minutes / 53 minutes (edit)

Top cast - The Night Hawk (1938)

Robert Livingston

Robert Livingston

Slim Torrence

June Travis

June Travis

Della Parrish

Robert Armstrong

Robert Armstrong

Charlie McCormick

Ben Welden

Ben Welden

Otto Miller

Joe Downing

Joe Downing


Roland Got

Roland Got

Willie Sing

Cy Kendall

Cy Kendall

Capt. Teague

Paul Fix

Paul Fix


Bill Burrud

Bill Burrud

Bobby McCormick