Mad Youth (1940)

Girls of the Underworld

Mad Youth (1940) - poster

Raiting: - /10

Genre: Drama

Director: Melville Shyer

Stars: Mary Ainslee, Betty Compson and Willy Castello

Country: United States

Release date: 5 May 1940

Length: 76 minutes

Top cast - Mad Youth (1940)

Mary Ainslee

Mary Ainslee

Marian Morgan

Betty Compson

Betty Compson

Lucy Morgan

Willy Castello

Willy Castello

Count DeHoven

Betty Atkinson

Betty Atkinson

Helen Johnson

Tommy Wonder

Tommy Wonder


Margaret Fealy

Margaret Fealy

Helen's Grandmother

Donald Kerr

Donald Kerr

Taxi Driver

Ray Hirsch

Ray Hirsch

Jitter Bug

Patti Lacey

Patti Lacey

Jitter Bug

Trailer - Mad Youth (1940)