Sullivan's Travels (1941)

De Lotgevallen van Sullivan

Sullivan's Travels (1941) - poster

Raiting: 8 /10

Genre: Adventure

Director: Preston Sturges

Stars: Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake and Robert Warwick

Country: United States

Release date: 30 November 1941

Length: 90 minutes

Top cast - Sullivan's Travels (1941)

Joel McCrea

Joel McCrea

John Sullivan

Veronica Lake

Veronica Lake

The Girl

Robert Warwick

Robert Warwick

Mr. LeBrand

William Demarest

William Demarest

Mr. Jones

Franklin Pangborn

Franklin Pangborn

Mr. Casalsis

Porter Hall

Porter Hall

Mr. Hadrian

Byron Foulger

Byron Foulger

Johnny Valdelle

Margaret Hayes

Margaret Hayes


Robert Greig

Robert Greig


Eric Blore

Eric Blore

Sullivan's Valet

Trailer - Sullivan's Travels (1941)