The Lone Rider in Texas Justice (1942)

Texas Justice

The Lone Rider in Texas Justice (1942) - poster

Raiting: - /10

Genre: Western

Director: Sam Newfield

Stars: George Houston, Al St. John and Dennis Moore

Country: United States

Release date: 5 June 1942

Length: 58 minutes

Top cast - The Lone Rider in Texas Justice (1942)

George Houston

George Houston

Tom Cameron

Al St. John

Al St. John

Fuzzy Q. Jones

Dennis Moore

Dennis Moore

Smoky Moore

Wanda McKay

Wanda McKay

Kate Stewart

Claire Rochelle

Claire Rochelle

Nora Gilpin

Arch Hall Sr.

Arch Hall Sr.

Fake Padre Tremmer

Slim Whitaker

Slim Whitaker


Edward Peil Sr.

Edward Peil Sr.

Ed Hannigan

Karl Hackett

Karl Hackett

Jack Stewart

Julian Rivero

Julian Rivero

Padre José