Whisky Galore! (1949)

Tight Little Island

Whisky Galore! (1949) - poster

Raiting: 7 /10

Genre: Comedy

Director: Alexander Mackendrick

Stars: Basil Radford, Joan Greenwood and Catherine Lacey

Country: United Kingdom

Release date: 16 June 1949

Length: 82 minutes

Top cast - Whisky Galore! (1949)

Basil Radford

Basil Radford

Captain Paul Waggett

Bruce Seton

Bruce Seton

Sergeant Odd

Gordon Jackson

Gordon Jackson

George Campbell

Wylie Watson

Wylie Watson

Joseph Macroon

Morland Graham

Morland Graham

The Biffer

John Gregson

John Gregson

Sammy MacCodrun

Joan Greenwood

Joan Greenwood

Peggy Macroon

Gabrielle Blunt

Gabrielle Blunt

Catriona Macroon

Catherine Lacey

Catherine Lacey

Mrs. Waggett

Jean Cadell

Jean Cadell

Mrs. Campbell

Trailer - Whisky Galore! (1949)