Fast and Loose (1954)

Fast and Loose (1954) - poster

Raiting: - /10

Genre: Comedy

Director: Gordon Parry

Stars: Stanley Holloway, Kay Kendall and Brian Reece

Country: United Kingdom

Release date: 12 February 1954

Length: 75 minutes

Top cast - Fast and Loose (1954)

Stanley Holloway

Stanley Holloway

Major George Crabb

Kay Kendall

Kay Kendall

Carol Hankin

Brian Reece

Brian Reece

Peter Wickham

Joan Young

Joan Young

Mrs. Gullett, Inn Manageress

Fabia Drake

Fabia Drake

Mrs. Crabb

June Thorburn

June Thorburn

Barbara Wickham

Dora Bryan

Dora Bryan

Mary Rawlings, the maid

Alexander Gauge

Alexander Gauge

Claude Hankin, M.P.

Vida Hope

Vida Hope


Reginald Beckwith

Reginald Beckwith

Rev. Tripp-Johnson