The Stepmother (1972)


The Stepmother (1972) - poster

Raiting: - /10

Genre: Drama

Director: Howard Avedis

Stars: Alejandro Rey, John Anderson and Katherine Justice

Country: United States

Release date: 26 October 1972

Length: 94 minutes

Top cast - The Stepmother (1972)

Alejandro Rey

Alejandro Rey

Frank Delgado

John Anderson

John Anderson

Inspector Darnezi

Katherine Justice

Katherine Justice

Margo Delgado

Larry Linville

Larry Linville

Dick Hill

Marlene Schmidt

Marlene Schmidt

Sonja Hill

Duncan McLeod

Duncan McLeod

Chief Inspector

David Renard

David Renard

Pedro Lopez

Rudy Herrera Jr.

Rudy Herrera Jr.

Steve Delgado

Mike Kulcsar

Mike Kulcsar

Alan Richmond