Il Medaglione Insanguinato (Perche?!) (1975)

The Night Child / Together Forever / The Cursed Medallion / De Vervloekte Medaljon

Il Medaglione Insanguinato (Perche?!) (1975) - poster

Raiting: - /10

Genre: Horror

Director: Massimo Dallamano

Stars: Richard Johnson, Joanna Cassidy and Nicoletta Elmi

Country: Italy

Release date: 22 April 1975

Length: 90 minutes

Top cast - Il Medaglione Insanguinato (Perche?!) (1975)

Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson

Michael Williams

Joanna Cassidy

Joanna Cassidy

Joanna Morgan

Evelyn Stewart

Evelyn Stewart

Jill Perkins

Edmund Purdom

Edmund Purdom


Nicoletta Elmi

Nicoletta Elmi

Emily Williams

Lila Kedrova

Lila Kedrova

Contessa Cappelli

Riccardo Garrone

Riccardo Garrone

Police Inspector

Dana Ghia

Dana Ghia

Emily's Mother

Eleonora Morana

Eleonora Morana

Contessa's Maid

Tom Felleghy

Tom Felleghy

BBC Boss

Trailer - Il Medaglione Insanguinato (Perche?!) (1975)