Life of Brian (1979)
Monty Python's Life of Brian

Raiting: 8 /10
Genre: Comedy
Director: Terry Jones
Stars: Graham Chapman, Michael Palin and John Cleese
Country: United Kingdom
Release date: 17 August 1979
Length: 94 minutes
Top cast - Life of Brian (1979)

Man Even Further Forward / Revolutionary / Jailer / Blood and Thunder Prophet / Frank / Audience Member / Crucifee

Mr. Cheeky / Stan 'Loretta' / Harry the Haggler / Culprit Woman / Warris / Intensely Dull Youth / Jailer's Assistant / Otto / Lead Singer Crucifee

Mandy Cohen / Colin / Simon the Holy Man / Bob Hoskins / Saintly Passer-by / Alarmed Crucifixion Assistant

Wise Man #3 / Mr. Big Nose / Francis / Mrs. A / Ex-Leper / Announcer / Ben / Pontius Pilate / Boring Prophet / Eddie / Shoe Follower / Nisus Wettus