The Shining (1980)

The Shining (1980) - poster

Raiting: 8,3 /10

Genre: Horror

Director: Stanley Kubrick

Stars: Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall and Danny Lloyd

Country: United States / United Kingdom

Release date: 23 May 1980

Length: 115 minutes (Europese release) / 146 minutes (Amerikaanse release)

Top cast - The Shining (1980)

Jack Nicholson

Jack Nicholson

Jack Torrance

Shelley Duvall

Shelley Duvall

Wendy Torrance

Danny Lloyd

Danny Lloyd

Danny Torrance

Philip Stone

Philip Stone

Delbert Grady

Scatman Crothers

Scatman Crothers

Dick Hallorann

Joe Turkel

Joe Turkel

Lloyd the Bartender

Barry Nelson

Barry Nelson

Stuart Ullman

Barry Dennen

Barry Dennen

Bill Watson

Tony Burton

Tony Burton

Larry Durkin

Lia Beldam

Lia Beldam

Young Woman in Bath

Trailer - The Shining (1980)