The Lost Samaritan (2008)

The Lost Samaritan (2008) - poster

Raiting: - /10

Genre: Action

Director: Thomas Jahn

Stars: Ian Somerhalder, Ruta Gedmintas and Oliver Debuschewitz

Country: Germany

Release date: 21 September 2008

Length: 95 minutes

Top cast - The Lost Samaritan (2008)

Ian Somerhalder

Ian Somerhalder

William Archer

Ruta Gedmintas

Ruta Gedmintas

Elle Haas

Oliver Debuschewitz

Oliver Debuschewitz

Manny Rodriguez

David Scheller

David Scheller

Trevor Devlin

Anna Fin

Anna Fin

Maddie Archer

Fred Hady

Fred Hady

James Heron

Jens Neuhaus

Jens Neuhaus

Terry Baskin