Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009)

Hachiko: A Dog's Story / Hachi: A Dog's Love Story / Hachi

Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009) - poster

Raiting: 8,1 /10

Genre: Drama

Director: Lasse Hallström

Stars: Richard Gere, Joan Allen and Sarah Roemer

Country: United Kingdom / United States

Release date: 8 June 2009

Length: 93 minutes

"Hachi: A Dog's Tale" is a heartwarming and poignant film directed by Lasse Hallström, based on the true story of a loyal Akita dog named Hachikō in Japan. The movie, set in the United States, centers around the deep bond that forms between a college professor, Parker Wilson, and Hachi, an Akita puppy he finds abandoned at a train station.

One evening, Parker discovers the lost puppy with a Japanese symbol for "Hachi" on its collar, and despite initial reluctance, he brings the dog home. Although his intention is to find the puppy's rightful owner, Parker and Hachi quickly become inseparable. Parker's wife, Cate, sees the profound connection between them and agrees to keep Hachi. As Hachi grows, he and Parker develop a daily routine: Hachi walks Parker to the train station each morning to see him off to work and then returns to the station each afternoon to greet Parker when he comes home.

The film poignantly captures the essence of loyalty and devotion as Hachi continues his daily routine even after a tragic turn of events. Parker unexpectedly passes away while at work, leaving Hachi waiting at the station for a return that will never happen. The townspeople are touched by Hachi's unwavering dedication to his friend, and he becomes a local legend. Year after year, Hachi returns to the same spot at the station, faithfully waiting for Parker.

"Hachi: A Dog's Tale" is a moving portrayal of an unbreakable bond between a man and his dog. The film is beautifully shot, capturing the emotional depth of the story and the spirit of loyalty that Hachi embodies. Richard Gere delivers a heartfelt performance as Parker Wilson, bringing warmth and depth to his character's relationship with Hachi. The film is a tender reminder of the impact that pets can have on our lives and the lessons of love and loyalty they teach us.

Ultimately, "Hachi: A Dog's Tale" is a tribute to the spirit of true friendship and loyalty. It's a story that transcends language and culture, touching the hearts of viewers around the world. The film concludes with a touching scene that beautifully encapsulates the film's message about the enduring nature of love and the incredible loyalty of our canine friends. It's a tale that leaves a lasting impression, reminding us of the profound connections that can form between humans and animals.

Top cast - Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009)

Richard Gere

Richard Gere

Parker Wilson

Joan Allen

Joan Allen

Cate Wilson

Erick Avari

Erick Avari


Robbie Sublett

Robbie Sublett


Davenia McFadden

Davenia McFadden

Mary Anne

Kevin DeCoste

Kevin DeCoste

Ronnie (11 years)

Robert Degnan

Robert Degnan

Teddy Barnes

Trailer - Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009)

"Hachi: A Dog's Tale", directed by Lasse Hallström, is an emotionally charged film that beautifully recounts the true story of an extraordinary dog's loyalty and the deep bond shared with his owner. This 2009 movie, an American adaptation of the Japanese tale of Hachikō, touches the heartstrings with its simple yet profound narrative.

The film stars Richard Gere as Parker Wilson, a college professor who forms an inseparable connection with Hachi, an Akita puppy he finds at a train station. Gere's performance is both understated and deeply moving, capturing the essence of a man whose life is enriched by the love of his dog. The bond between Parker and Hachi is portrayed with such authenticity that it becomes the emotional core of the film, inviting viewers to experience the depth of their friendship.

Visually, the film is quite elegant, with Hallström's direction giving attention to the small, everyday moments that build the foundation of Parker and Hachi's relationship. The cinematography complements the story's tenderness, focusing on the quiet town, the train station where much of the story unfolds, and the changing seasons that mark the passage of time during Hachi's vigil.

The score of the film is poignant and effectively underscores the emotional beats of the narrative. It resonates well with the audience, enhancing the storytelling without overwhelming it. The music, coupled with the film's measured pacing, allows the audience to fully immerse themselves in the story and the characters' experiences.

What truly sets "Hachi: A Dog's Tale" apart is its ability to convey powerful emotions without resorting to melodrama. The story of Hachi's unwavering loyalty to Parker even after his unexpected death is handled with a gentle touch. The dog's daily wait at the train station becomes a symbol of devotion, impacting the lives of the townspeople and illustrating the profound effects that animals can have on human lives.

In conclusion, "Hachi: A Dog's Tale" is a film that will resonate with anyone who has ever loved a pet. It's a tearjerker that doesn't shy away from exploring the themes of love, loss, and loyalty. This movie is a beautiful homage to the spirit of dogs and their capacity for unconditional love. It is a heartfelt reminder that the bonds we form with our pets are as deep and enduring as any we have with our fellow humans.