The Color Wheel (2011)

The Color Wheel (2011) - poster

Raiting: 6,6 /10

Genre: Comedy

Director: Alex Ross Perry

Stars: Carlen Altman, Alex Ross Perry and Bob Byington

Country: United States

Release date: 1 April 2011

Length: 83 minutes

Top cast - The Color Wheel (2011)

Carlen Altman

Carlen Altman

JR / Sister

Alex Ross Perry

Alex Ross Perry

Colin / Brother

Bob Byington

Bob Byington

Professor Neil Chadwick

Anna Bak-Kvapil

Anna Bak-Kvapil

Kim Thompson

Craig Butta

Craig Butta

Norton the Bully

C. Mason Wells

C. Mason Wells

Chris 'Wheels' Locke

Keith Poulson

Keith Poulson

Norton's Sidekick

Trailer - The Color Wheel (2011)