DAU. New Man (2020)

ДАУ. Новый человек

DAU. New Man (2020) - poster

Raiting: - /10

Genre: Drama

Director: Ilya Khrzhanovskiy, Ilya Permyakov

Stars: Vladimir Azhippo

Country: United Kingdom / Ukraine / Germany / Russia

Release date: 22 May 2020

Length: 99 minutes

Top cast - DAU. New Man (2020)

Maxim Martsinkevich

Maxim Martsinkevich

Member of a special experimental group commissioned by the KGB and the Council of Ministers

Vladimir Azhippo

Vladimir Azhippo

MGB/KGB investigation officer

Alexey Blinov

Alexey Blinov

Head of the Experimental Department

Andrey Chuenkov

Andrey Chuenkov

Member of a special experimental group commissioned by the KGB and the Council of Ministers

Alexey Kasich

Alexey Kasich

Member of a special experimental group commissioned by the KGB and the Council of Ministers

Alina Alekseeva

Alina Alekseeva

Assistant to the Head of the Experimental Department

Dmitry Kaledin

Dmitry Kaledin

Head of the Mathematical Physics Laboratory, Deputy Director of the Institute