Ron Smerczak Actor or Actress (23) Amelia (2009) The Three Investigators and the Secret of Terror Castle (2009) Finding Lenny (2009) The Little Unicorn (2002) Pets (2002) Traitor's Heart (1999) Ngo Si Seoi (1998) Beings (1998) Dangerous Ground (1997) Jock of the Bushveld (1994) Lunarcop (1995) The Mangler (1995) Trigger Fast (1994) Freefall (1994) Cyborg Cop (1993) Incident at Victoria Falls (1991) American Ninja 4: The Annihilation (1990) American Eagle (1989) Return of the Family Man (1989) Master of Dragonard Hill (1989) Prisoners of the Lost Universe (1983) House of Whipcord (1974) Penda's Fen (1974)