Stan Brakhage Rights: Photograph by Friedl Kubelka. Though the photo was not attributed in the Filmex '76 program, it was later used on the cover of Kubelka's 2006 book , Public domain, through Wikimedia Commons. Actor or Actress (11) Notes on Marie Menken (2006) Im Spiegel der Maya Deren (2002) As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty (2000) Brakhage (1998) Alferd Packer: The Musical (1993) Faust's Other: An Idyll (1988) Grand Opera (1978) Diaries Notes and Sketches (1969) The Art of Vision (1965) Dog Star Man (1964) Window Water Baby Moving (1959) Director (15) The Mammals of Victoria (1994) A Child's Garden and the Serious Sea (1991) Passage Through: A Ritual (1990) Faust's Other: An Idyll (1988) The Dante Quartet (1987) The Text of Light (1974) The Act of Seeing with One's Own Eyes (1971) Scenes from Under Childhood Section #4 (1970) Lovemaking (1968) The Art of Vision (1965) Dog Star Man (1964) Sirius Remembered (1959) Window Water Baby Moving (1959) Anticipation of the Night (1958) The Wonder Ring (1955) Writer (1) Dog Star Man (1964) Producer (1) The Art of Vision (1965)