Dee Wallace

Rights: Dee_Wallace_2010.jpg: Saskia Batugowski fro, CC BY 2.0, through Wikimedia Commons.
Actor or Actress (161)
Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch (2023)
In Search of Darkness: Part III (2022)
Jeepers Creepers: Reborn (2022)
Every Time a Bell Rings (2021)
Zombie Killers: Elephant's Graveyard (2015)
Bonnie & Clyde: Justified (2013)
The Haunted World of El Superbeasto (2009)
Sex and the Teenage Mind (2002)
To Love, Honor & Betray (1999)
Bad As I Wanna Be: The Dennis Rodman Story (1998)
Love's Deadly Triangle: The Texas Cadet Murder (1997)
The Phoenix and the Magic Carpet (1995)
Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back (1995)
Moment of Truth: Cradle of Conspiracy (1994)
Witness to the Execution (1994)
Huck and the King of Hearts (1993)
Prophet of Evil: The Ervil LeBaron Story (1993)
Alligator II: The Mutation (1991)
Wait Till Your Mother Gets Home! (1983)
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
Child Bride of Short Creek (1981)