Alfred J. Goulding Actor or Actress (1) The Lady (1925) Director (19) Laffing Time (1959) Atoll K (1951) The Adventures of Jane (1949) Dick Barton: Special Agent (1948) A Chump at Oxford (1940) The Gang Show (1938) Splinters in the Air (1937) Everything Is Rhythm (1936) It Never Rains (1935) Home Work (1935) When Do We Eat? (1934) Buzzin' Around (1933) All at Sea (1929) The Pride of Pikeville (1927) Haunted Spooks (1920) From Hand to Mouth (1919) Don't Shove (1919) Pistols for Breakfast (1919) The Marathon (1919) Writer (2) The Adventures of Jane (1949) Dick Barton: Special Agent (1948) Producer (1) The Adventures of Jane (1949)