Raimund Harmstorf Rights: Udo Grimberg , CC BY-SA 3.0 de, through Wikimedia Commons. Actor or Actress (25) Cafe Europa (1990) Thunder II (1987) Geld oder Leber! (1986) The Black Forest Clinic (1985) Cane Arrabbiato (1985) Thunder (1983) S.A.S. à San Salvador (1983) A Case For Two (1981) Uno Sceriffo Extraterrestre - Poco Extra e Molto Terrestre (1979) Lo Chiamavano Bulldozer (1978) Quel Maledetto Treno Blindato (1978) Mr. Mean (1977) California (1977) Der Alte (1977) Michel Strogoff (1975) Un Genio, Due Compari, un Pollo (1975) Il Ritorno di Zanna Bianca (1974) Derrick (1974) Zanna Bianca (1973) The Call of the Wild (1972) Der Schrei der Schwarzen Wölfe (1972) Blutiger Freitag (1972) Seewolf, Der (1971) Scene of the Crime (1970) Der Kommissar (1969)