Art Camacho Actor or Actress (26) Half Past Dead 2 (2007) Half Past Dead (2002) Prophet (1999) Sworn to Justice (1996) Night Hunter (1996) Lion Strike (1995) Bloodfist VI: Ground Zero (1995) Fists of Iron (1995) Guardian Angel (1994) Red Sun Rising (1994) Cyber Tracker (1994) Bloodfist V: Human Target (1994) CIA II: Target Alexa (1993) Magic Kid (1993) Firepower (1994) To Be the Best (1993) Ring of Fire II: Blood and Steel (1993) Out for Blood (1992) Street Crimes (1992) Deadly Bet (1992) Final Impact (1992) Ring of Fire (1991) The Master Demon (1991) Chinatown Connection (1990) Ninja Academy (1988) The Falcon and the Snowman (1985) Director (13) Ruthless (2023) Half Past Dead 2 (2007) Soft Target (2006) Confessions of a Pit Fighter (2005) Sci-Fighter (2004) 13 Dead Men (2003) Redemption (2002) Gangland (2000) Point Doom (2001) Recoil (1998) Little Bigfoot 2: The Journey Home (1997) Little Bigfoot (1997) The Power Within (1995) Writer (5) Ruthless (2023) Confessions of a Pit Fighter (2005) Recoil (1998) Little Bigfoot 2: The Journey Home (1997) Lion Strike (1995) Producer (6) Ruthless (2023) Gunfight at Rio Bravo (2023) Confessions of a Pit Fighter (2005) Redemption (2002) Point Doom (2001) Little Bigfoot 2: The Journey Home (1997)